토익 부사 정리
오늘은 토익 시험에서 매번 나오는 문제 유형 중에 하나인 부사에 대해서 정리해 보고자 합니다. 부사가 문장에서 사용되어지는 위치를 알면 형용사와 명사 등 처럼 단시간내에 풀어내어 시간을 절약할 수 있는데요. 이와 더불어 시간, 강조의 의미를 가진 부사와 헤깔리기 쉬운 부사에 대해서 알아 보겠습니다.
1. 형태와 역할
1. 부사의 형태
형용사 + ly = 부사
automatically, completely, briefly (cf. 명사 + ly = 형용사)
2. 부사의 역할
형용사 수식, 동사 (to부정사/ 동명사) 수식, 부사수식, 구/절 수식, 문장 전체 수식
3. 형용사/ 부사 수식
I’m interested in the newly released product.
I recommend that you read the instructions very carefully.
4. 동사 수식
be동사+부사+현재분사/ 과거분사
The new employee orientation manual briefly covers the industrial plant’s layout and department locations.
The construction project is proceeding steadily now that the cold season has ended.
After undergoing extensive renovations over the past three years, the Mackson Arts Center has finally responded to the public.
All adjustable shelves in the cupboard should be properly secured to the side panels before use.
Customers who purchase a Xeromax GMD vacuum cleaner by October 15 will automatically receive an accessory kit valued at $100.
5. 준동사 수식
to 부정사 수식
We are always trying to develop many loan programs to better suit the needs.
동명사 수식
Mr. Bowie is in charge of regularly inspecting the safety equipment in the laboratory building.
6. 기타 수식
1. 문장 수식
Obviously, this is going to take some time.
2. 구나 절 수식
The transfer takes place only when the data is complete.
3. 전치사 수식
Hap Plaza offers guests frequent-traveler discounts everywhere in its hotel network.
2. 시간 부사
1. 부정문에 사용하지 않는
already(이미, 벌써- 긍정문)
The performance had already started when we arrived.
2. 긍정문, 부정문, 의문문에 사용하는
still(여전히, 아직도)
Some parents are still not convinced that the program is beneficial to their children.
3. 부정문, 조건문, 의문문에 사용하는 yet (아직-부정문, 이미/벌써-의문문)
: 긍정문: have / be yet to do (아직 ~하지 못하다)
The members of the board have submitted the report, but the committee has not yet responded.
3. 강조 부사
1. right, just ~직전에, ~직후에
We moved here just after our son was born.
According to the schedule, dinner will be served right after the closing remarks.
cf. shortly, promptly, immediately + after/ before ~하기 직후에/ ~직전에
2. only, just 단지/ even ~도 조차, ~까지도 (명사구나 전치사구 강조)
We use only the best ingredients for our customers.
Can you wait just a few minutes?
Without air, we could not live even a single day.
3. quite 꽤, 다소 (형용사와 함께)
The food in the cafeteria is usually quite good.
They were not quite ready so we waited in the car.
[참고] 동사 수식 불가 부사 : very, exactly, extremely etc.
4. very/ so/ too 매우
We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Smith.
(⇒ very는 that절과 쓰지 않는다.)
The school was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled down.
We had been away for such a long time that I had forgotten her name.
⇒ so + 형/부 + that (such + 명 + that)
Drinking too much fruit juice can contribute to obesity.
The box was too heavy for me to lift.
(⇒ too는 ‘너무~하다’ 의 부정적 의미를 갖는다.)
4. 혼동하기 쉬운 부사
somewhere near 어딘가 가까이에
nearly complete 거의 완성된
work hard 열심히 일하다
hardly recognize 거의 알아차릴 수 없다
work late 늦게까지 일하다
see her lately 그녀를 최근에 보다
rise high 높게 오르다
highly successful 매우 성공한